INFO basic-2

    Hello, one and all, from Fort Knox, Kentucky.  I hope that all is
well with each of you and that those you care about are well.  Life here
is going okay, getting easier in some respects, and more difficult in
others.  Such is life, no?  I am having an easier time of things lately
without having to worry about the MUD.  I hear from Sandalwood and Silz
(as well as my wife) that things are well on Elven, and that the MUD
continues to grow.  This make me very happy...  I want for Elven to
flourish whether I ever log onto it again or not.  After all, The MUD is
there for the players, not for me.

    Brrr!  It's freezing out tonight as I finally have time to write a
bit more.  I'm on CQ duty until 0100, which basically means that I'm
sitting here at the CQ desk with my friend PVT Winchester in case
something actually happens that we'd need to summon the Drill Sergeant
on duty for the evening... you get the idea.  We also answer the phone,
not that it rings at this time of night.  As far as I'm concerned, CQ is
letter-writing duty. *grin*  I'd much rather pull this duty then pull
Fire Guard. BLEH!

    Yesterday (10/02/98 to you civilians... 981001 to me *grin*)  was a
greay day.  I didn't hear anything about my punishment I've got coming
for something that I didn't do in the first place.  (I got written up
for swearing at a Drill Sergeant, which I didn't do... bleh.)  So that
was good... *chuckle*...
    The day began at 0515, with formation for Early Field Chow.  I had
my newly pressed winter BDU set, complete with new sewn-on name tapes
and PFC rank, on and ready to go.  I felt pretty good, until I headed
outside and ran right into Old Man Winter.  Well, not literally, it was
only about 45 degree F, but that's cold when the temperature the morning
before was 65 degree F!  *grin*  Anyway, I got used to it after a bit.
We had field chow in the parking lot/formation area before getting in
line to get on the bus.  The field chow is what breakfast field chow
always is... cold and not enough of it.  Hehe.  After chow, such as it
was, we got back into formation to get ready to get on the buses.  I
took a moment to run inside, utilize the latrine, and get another
t-shirt put on insulate myself.  He he he.  Anyway... we got on the
buses and headed to the Land Navigations Course.  Once there, we got a
block of instructions after grounding our gear, and we went for a brief
2 hour walk to familiarize ourselves with spotting land features both on
the map and on the ground.  I got some good practice as I guided our
group to the first practice grid coordinate.  Yay!  Eventually, we
headed back to the start point for luch chow...  MREs.  Yum! (really)  I
had Pork with Rice, Applesauce, and crackers w/jalapeno cheese.  After
lunch we got into groups and headed out onto the course.  We had to find
5 points on the course per group, then head back to the final point
within 4 hours.  I was immediately annoyed.  The other three guys in my
group weren't interested in going about things the right way (also known
as : The way we were taught), and we quickly became lost.  Finally,
after about an hour and 45 minutes, we found our first point.  By this
time, I had convinced the other three guys that we'd make better time
doing things properly.  We found the next two points within an hour, and
completed the course by the end of the next hour.  *grin*  After we got
done, we had more field chow (spaghetti)... for a change, most people
got enough to fill them up.

    Ahhh... back in my bunk after nearly 48 hours in the field.  "Hell
Week" is now 2 days old, and it's been great so far.  The physical parts
of hte week, the 8k road march, the night infiltration, the ITT
(individual tactical training)... are all done and over with.  Also we
are done with the grenades.  I qualified on grenade... as an EXPERT!
    I'll write more later... I'm beat, tired and sore...

    Hello again!  Well, I guess that 5 days later qualifies as "later"
as stated in my previous entry.  I hope that my wife can read my
handwriting well enough to type all of this in so that you all can read
it.  Of course, if she can't, then I guess that I'm writing this for
myself.  Hmm...
        Time for bed!  More another time!
    Well, this has gotten kind of disjointed, hasn't it?

    Ahhh... some time to relax.  It's been a reasonably long day.  We
spent a long time out at the motor pool on the tanks today.  I got to
practice loading the main gun, which was pretty cool.
    So much for that... time to go!

    Well, I'm going to try to finish this off so that I can get it sent
off.  This thing has gotten to the poing where I'm not sure what to
write about.  *chuckle* Okay then, let's hig the highlights :
                        - I qualified Expert on grenade
                        - I qualified Expert with the 9mm pistol
                        - Basic is getting easier overall... my PT score
is on the rise ( up to 25
                                PU, 44 SU, and 16:42 for the 2 mile
run)... I'm down to 195
                                pounds!! (22 lost)
                        - "Hell Week" was cake... the 8K road march
really surprised me by
                                being easy to conquer.

    Well, I've got to go for awhile.  I'll try to write again soon.  If
y'all have any questions on anything WRITE ME and ask 'em!  I'd love to
hear from you!  Send and email to my wife or some snail mail or

        Take care, folks...

PS WOOHOO!! 13 days until I get to see my wife!!  (as of 10/17/98)

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