INFO index

Information File Directory -  type INFO <subject> to view one of these files:

         bday           - a listing of players' birthdays
         boards         - information about the Bulletin Boards
         colorcodes     - how to use the colorcodes available to players
         defrob         - info on the defrob command available to immortals
         email          - a listing of players' email addresses
         frobs          - the frobnostication policy
         game           - how to play, basically
         levels         - a listing of the levels
         motd           - the Message of the Day, in case you missed it
         welcome        - the welcome message with the latest news
         mudlist        - a listing of other Aber/Dirt MUDs
         news           - what's new around here?
         pkers          - prospective player killers READ THIS NOW!!!
         policy         - ElvenMUD's policy (ALL players must read this!)
         qinfo          - some detailed quest information
         quests         - what is this quest thing, anyway?
         quotes         - funny things heard on ElvenMUD
         realism        - an explanation of a major modification
         refrob         - info on the refrob command available to immortals
         soapbox        - what's the Soapbox, and how do I use it?
         top10          - top 10 reasons to stop MUDding!
         tournament     - who won, who lost, and when the next one is
         zones          - ah, the rewards of zonewriting!
         www            - got a web page?  List it here!
         zonewriters    - a guide to zonewriting


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