INFO defrob


The defrob command enables immortals to defrob down to mortal status with
a set score equal to their score earned previously as a mortal (AltScore)
so that those immortals may add to their score and complete quests that they
do not have.  The defrob command allows those wizards (at any level) to rise
in level depending on how much score they earn or how many quests they complete.

Powerful wizards will have improved abilities when defrobbed in the form of
extra armour, damage, and hit points. DragonLords and above can also use the
Wizard's communication line.

The mortal wizard levels are as follows:

     Legend: Mortal Wizard or Apprentice (level 50, 247 hitpoints).
DragonLord: Mortal SeniorWiz (level 51, 250 hit points, damage +1 armour +2)
    Warlord: Mortal MasterWiz (level 52, 253 hit points, damage +2 armour +4)
   MageLord: Mortal GrandWiz  (level 53, 256 hit points, damage +3 armour +6)
  Celestial: Mortal Power     (level 54, 259 hit points, damage +4 armour +8)

Please note that in order to use the defrob command, you must be at a start
location.  Also, it seems now we've fixed it so that immortals will not
lose their review settings when they defrob and then refrob later.  If
there is any problems with reviews not being saved, please let a Power
know.  Thanks.


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