INFO frobs

Policy on Frobnostications

     Players whom have earned immortal characters on other established Dirt
     or Aber MUDs will receive the following point bonuses, listed per level
     for characters ONLY who have achieved immortal status.  Please do not
     request a frob for a character that you have not wizzed on any muds.
     Frobs are one-time awards only, and subsequent frobs will not result as
     a result of promotions on other MUDs once your run here has begun.  Your
     frob must come soon after logging in for the first time.  If no Archwizard
     or higher power is on the game, please mail a power, and we will take care
     of your frobnostication as soon as possible.

       Level on Other MUD           One-time ElvenMUD Frob
       ------------------           ----------------------
        God                             200,000 points
        Avatar or similar               175,000 points
        DemiGod                         150,000 points
        ArchWizard                      100,000 points
        Istari or similar                75,000 points
        Wizard                           50,000 points

     Please note that no point bonus is awarded for an Emeritus or honorary
     immortal on another MUD.

     The administration of ElvenMUD also will award point bonuses for zone
     additions to our realm.  The award will be determined on a case-by-case
     basis.  For more information, see info zones, or mail a Power.


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