New Information Output System ============================= Well, an exhaustive coding effort has resulted in the editing of all output to the players on the game. Formerly, most output regarding what various players are up to was held within brackets. The Quiet command shut this information off, but there was a problem with the way the old system worked. Much information is output to the Powers, so that they might look out for things that shouldn't be happening (and some that should). Under the old system, a Power had to listen to all extraneous information if they wanted to keep monitoring the game. Today, that changes. Each bit of info output to various players has been put into a category. Each category is represented by a TFlag under the new TFlags system. The categories are: GlobalInfo, CombatInfo, WizInfo, IstInfo, AWizInfo, DGodInfo, AvaInfo, and GodInfo. Each category of info may be turned off by typing noinfo infotype. Example: to stop hearing dgod info, you would type: noinfo dgod The same command may be reissued to begin hearing an info type again. |
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