INFO res99

ElvenMUD New Year's Resolutions

*grin*  It's that time of year once again.. time to make a bunch of rash
statements about the future, a future that is uncertain at best.  Ignoring
that, we shall push on and dictate our own futures, because we are determined,
damn it!  This is what we will do!  (and this year.. we mean it!)  ;)

I, Legolas Greenleaf, hereby resolve the following for 1999..
     - not to start smoking again, to keep my wife happy and my lungs healthy
     - to do what is best for my daughter's well-being, no matter what
     - to defend my country to the best of my ability, to be the best soldier
       I can possibly be, and hopefully not to run over anything valuable with
       my tank, unless of course I'm ordered to do so, or can effectively fix
       the blame to "vehicle error/malfunction"
     - figure out exactly what the Hell that stuff inside a Twinkie is
     - throw my ferrets across the room less... well, at least with more arc
     - code, code, code, code..
     - make sure that my year 2000 resolutions are "Y2K" compliant
     - write my year 2000 resolutions before I'm actually in the file
I, Ellyll, hereby resolve the following for 1999..
     - to learn to code (for muds) properly
     - to learn to program in Java and Perl
     - to lose enough weight to fit in my size 36 jeans that I got for xmas
     - to get off my lazy bum and run more often
     - to read more of my books and not just buy them and leave them
     - to finish writing this story I'm working on so I can join RiverWind
     - last but not least to spend even more money on Daria spoiling her rotten
I, Sandalwood, hereby resolve the following for 1999..

I, Silz, hereby resolve the following for 1999..
     - to try and stop smoking in an attempt to conserve financial resources.  
       Well cigs are gettin so expensive in the uk since the goverment keep
       increasing the tax they levy.
     - to try and ensure that a connection to Elven can be reached at all
       possible times, even if that means taking on a third ISP.
     - to pamper and look after my mudwife to the best of my humble abilities.
     - to finish anything that I start, instead of letting it hang in the
       balance when I get bored.
     - to carry on drinking for Sandalwood as well as myself
     - to ensure that in the future the area around my computer is kept clear
       of all the garbage that usually accumulates there.
     - to try and reduce the amount of time spent at work, so I can spend even
       more time and money here on Elven
     - in relation to the above resolution, to pay my phonebill on time so I
       stop those nasty letters threatening to cut his phone off from arriving
     - to eventually get around to checking Y2K compliance of the computers at
       work, even though I know they will all fail at the turn of the millenium.

I, Allanon, hereby resolve the following for 1999..
     - to endeavour not to make too many of ma pupils burst into tears
     - to spend even more time growing old doing nuttin in particular
     - to spread the Brummie word around da world and let peeps know we're a
       tribe not to be messed with!
     - last but not least not to curse da dog so much as another tv aerial
       bites da dust

I, WooHoo, hereby resolve the following for 1999..
     - to stop making resolutions I'll never stick to
     - to that end (see above), I resolve to sleep alot and do bug all

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